
10 Facts about your subconscious mind

        We all know about our mind i.e. the conscious mind but very few know about the subconscious mind. Subconscious mind is a complete psychological phenomena which controls the functions that can't be handle by the conscious mind. This blog is for revealing the 10 most interesting facts about this amazing thing. 1.Continuous work:        We all know that our body requires proper sleep for refreshment not even that our conscious mind also need sleep. But subconscious mind has its own set of rules it never sleeps and always stay awake and do work. The dreams we come across at the time of sleep is because of the subconscious mind and it do a deep work on the things which we always think of. In this way continuous work is done by the subconscious mind. 2.Obeying orders:       The most important characteristics of the subconscious mind is this i.e. it will never disobey you whether you are right or wrong. It will always follow your order and the thoughts you have in your mind. It is
Science fiction  (sometimes called  sci-fi  or just  SF ) is a  genre  of  speculative fiction  that typically deals with  imaginative  and  futuristic  concepts such as advanced  science  and  technology ,  space exploration ,  time travel ,  parallel universes , and  extraterrestrial life . It has been called the " literature  of  ideas ", and often explores the potential consequences of  scientific, social, and technological innovations . [1] [2] Science fiction, whose roots go back to  ancient times , is related to  fantasy ,  horror , and  superhero  fiction, and contains many  subgenres . However its  exact definition  has long been disputed among  authors ,  critics , and  scholars . Science fiction  literature , film, television, and other media have become popular and influential over much of the world. Besides providing  entertainment , it can also criticize present-day  society , and is often said to inspire a " sense of wonder ". [3]