10 Facts about your subconscious mind

        We all know about our mind i.e. the conscious mind but very few know about the subconscious mind. Subconscious mind is a complete psychological phenomena which controls the functions that can't be handle by the conscious mind. This blog is for revealing the 10 most interesting facts about this amazing thing.

1.Continuous work:

       We all know that our body requires proper sleep for refreshment not even that our conscious mind also need sleep. But subconscious mind has its own set of rules it never sleeps and always stay awake and do work. The dreams we come across at the time of sleep is because of the subconscious mind and it do a deep work on the things which we always think of. In this way continuous work is done by the subconscious mind.

2.Obeying orders:

     The most important characteristics of the subconscious mind is this i.e. it will never disobey you whether you are right or wrong. It will always follow your order and the thoughts you have in your mind. It is like a Jinn which can full fill each and every thing you wish for. But the negative thoughts have the negative consequences. So always think what you are wishing for. Subconscious mind will never ask you a question in return it will simply obey you.


3.Follow instructions: 

  Coming this far I have not mention the working rule of the subconscious mind but now I am diving into it. The 80-85% of work of subconscious mind  is depend on the instructions and the thoughts we have in our mind. It will follow the exact way that we will show to it. So isn't it interesting to having someone who completely follow us. The results of instructions will change person to person and instructions to instruction.

4.Never judges:

  As mentioned earlier the subconscious mind will never question you back because it simply just exist to complete your wishes that's why subconscious mind never judge you on the basis of your wishes. 
Hence you can wish anything you want but just be little bit careful about your wishes because subconscious is a completely different phenomena which is not aware of good, bad, god, devil such type of things it just want to fulfill your wishes.

5.Complicate to understand: 

   We are seeing subconscious mind up till now it is looking very simple and easy to understand but the real fun fact is that it is to much complicated to understand because no one is able to understand this phenomena till this date. We just have to consider it and just have to believe on it we can't further investigate it, it is beyond our reach. Great people like Albert Einstein , Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Edison believe in the subconscious mind because it has given them that level of proofs.

6.High alertness:

  Working continuously without sleeping automatically gives this power to the subconscious mind i.e. staying alert all the time whether it is day or night. It is always having a keen observation on the thoughts going on in your mind. When it get that will towards that thought from your side it starts its work, it's like a person in the back-stage who is taking care artist on stage here artist are the wills that you make. 

7.Contrasting results:

  This point will need little bit of thinking, when we are wanting something, we most commonly wish for it, that thing can be anything like big house, luxurious car, world tour or meeting your role model etc. the problem with such things are when we are wishing for such thing somewhere deep in our mind there is thought that it can't going to happen in real life and intensity of such negative thoughts are little bit high which make them winner and as result our expectations vanish out. This happen simply because not believing on the subconscious mind and thinking negatively. So have a faith on your wish fulfiller friend and never doubt on it.

8.Problem solver:

  There was a story of a scientist that he didn't getting the correct results as he expected from one of his experiments. So at that night before he go to sleepy state he made a imagination that he got the results as he expected and he went to sleep. Next day he woke up everything was normal but when he start his work something lighten up in his mind and when he use it, the miracle happen and he saw that he solved his problem on which he stuck. So we come to know from this story that we can ideally use our subconscious mind as our problem solver and with help of it critical problems can solved easily.

9.Never underestimate:

 Subconscious mind contain the lot of power that you can't imagine of. It is capable of to fulfill your each and every wish. The question remain is whether you believe it or not. The biggest mistake is to underestimate the power of subconscious mind. When you believe in it from your deep soul then the results you get are unimaginable.

10.Unlimited wishes:

 As said earlier that subconscious mind is like Jinn that will fulfil your wishes but we know that real Jinn have a limited number of wishes while you can make unlimited wishes to subconscious mind there is no restriction on you just having one condition that you have to believe on it and rest will be handled by your subconscious mind.


  These are the some facts about your subconscious mind that you should know about. I hope that I am providing you the enough information you need. And will meet soon in the next blog till then bye...





  1. Amazing content brother... Thanks for info 👍🏻

  2. The best... I'm eagerly waiting for the next one. .. 🤞

  3. Very nice content Adesh bhai....🔥🔥
    You are such a creative mind person.......✌️
    Always go ahead.👍

  4. Keep going..... excellent 🔥

  5. Nice content... Bro...
    Excellent... Keep going....

  6. Great info.....
    Keep it up...🔥🧠


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